It's OK, I'd be grumpy too if I didn't own a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles poster.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cosplay: Elsa (More pictures)

The weather is pretending that it's winter already. That means cold, and very very windy. I mean, make you fall over windy.

So naturally, I saw a photographic opportunity. And it went really well. Except for that terrifying moment when my tripod fell over and my camera, my precious three month old camera landed on a rock. Let me tell you, that was really, really scary. However my camera sustained minimal damage. Only three dents and dings. Phew it could have been a LOT worse....

What is this post about? Elsa, OH RIGHT. Okay, pictures. Here they are (oh yeah, and I decided to forego the wig, 'cause let's face it;I was just not meant to be white blond):

Let's here it for random websites that allow you to add snow!
 I don't know which I like better, the origonal (this one)
Or this one.
 From the back

 I really like this one. :)

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