We went out for lunch Sunday with Dad and a fellow he works with.
We went to Erdgan (I think that's how you spell it...), it's a cool restaurant. Some restaurants are really close to water, or have great food, or nice views, but Erdogan has animals. Year round they have rabbits hanging around the out door seating aria. They are pretty shy, but fun to watch.
After everybody was pretty much done eating a chicken wandered over and mom dropped it some bread. The chicken was pretty disinterested, I guess it got so much bread it got picky. But a rabbit hopped over, and another one. We had fun feeding them :)
Mom noticed a baby rabbit, I turned around and it ran into a store room.
Mom convinced Sam and I to go over and try to coax it out. Mom came with us, we tried, but with little success. Once of the guys who worked there came over and helped us. The rabbit (whom I called Greg from that moment forward) ran out of the store room and into their hutch/feeding thingy. I assumed the battle was over, but apparently not. The Erdogan worker got down flat on the ground and reached into the hutch/feeder thingy and got Greg out. The Rabbit Wrangler got up, handed me Greg and walked away.
I could not wipe the smile off my face! He was so little! And fluffy!
After I'd been holding Greg for about three minutes the man who owns (?) the restaurant came over and told us (with Dad's work buddy translating) that if I wanted to, I could take Greg home.
So long story short, that's what we did! :P
Greg turned out to be a girl, so her name is now Colbie
TavÅŸan. (tavÅŸan is Turkish for rabbit.) :)
Kind of a weird story, hey? I guess I won't be invited next time my family goes out for lunch....