It's OK, I'd be grumpy too if I didn't own a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles poster.

Friday, January 11, 2013

More Quotes...

Me: [to Johanna] If we were Boromir and Faramir you’d be dead and I’d get the girl.
Johanna: [to me] You know, you really have to have seen all the movies we’ve seen to understand a conversation we have…
Sam: I really need to work on my Nasgul screech
Me: beh co te flap?
Johanna: Ok, here you go

Me: I made contacts on my iPod for the Avengers
Mom: Captain America at Hotmail dot com? 
Me: [looking at a cute photo of a couple on tumblr with a caption] I feel for the people in this picture. I mean they don’t really like each other; they’re just posing for the photographer.  MY HEART ACHES FOR THIS PHOTO *sobs*
Johanna: *pats me on the back*

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