It's OK, I'd be grumpy too if I didn't own a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles poster.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hello! (11 questions to start the season)

Hello there! It’s been a few months since I’ve been here. I thought a nice way to sort of kick off the blogging season would be to answer a couple questions. The queries on this list were sent to me by Quinne in one of her letters. Since the letter is dated sometime in April this post is much overdue.
11.       Can you drive a stick shift?
I had an afternoon of lessons when I was…12?... 11? But sadly nothing stuck (Sorry Wes!)
22.       If you could change your eye colour, would you?
Hmmm I really love green eyes, so I might. But on the other hand I like my eyes just the way they are (blue with a little bit of green).
33.       Name something you dislike about the day you’re having
Okay… I don’t like that we were running late this morning. (I DO like that I’m sitting at a library computer where the internet is FAST)
44.       Where is the shirt your wearing from?
Funny story, this is the shirt I got in Amsterdam this spring.
55.       Do you like watching scary movies?
I don’t think I’ve ever watched a ‘scary’ movie. If I did, I probably wouldn’t enjoy it, I prefer laughing over everything else.
66.       What’s the best part of school?
Learning thing I can use, or that I find fascinating. (ie vocabulary over algebra)
77.       Is your life anything like it was three years ago?
Three years ago was 2012, so yes then was similar to now. Only then I was just starting to get into the swing of living on two continents.
88.       DO you have someone you can be your complete self around?
I am very blessed to have several people I’m completely comfortable with. (I’m looking at you my dear siblings. I also have Quinne and Sarah.)
99.       Have you ever fallen in public?
 Not that I recall, though I’m pretty sure I’ve have a close call or two.
110.   Name something you have to do tomorrow
My last day of driver training! *nervous smile*
111.   Favourite season, and why?
Currently: summer, as much as I love the yellow leaves and snow, summer is the time of year that I talk to people.

How exciting was that? I’ll be back eventually with all the things I was able to scratch off my summer bucket list. 

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