It's OK, I'd be grumpy too if I didn't own a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles poster.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Batman and Robin Comics

Batman's parenting style II
(I was too lazy to import it into Photoshop and make it pretty. I may yet but not yet x) )
 It is no secret that I am fond in love with a fan of obsessed with Batman and Robin.
Hey they're my thing.
You know what else is my thing? Comics! (I have a lot of things)
And lately those two things have been colliding/meshing/coming together something has been happening in my brain and these are the results:

(They have DeviantArt watermarks because I downloaded them from my account)

Batman's parenting style I

Batman's parenting style II
(I was too lazy to import it into Photoshop and make it pretty. I may yet but not yet x) )
And finally a Christmas themed one, Mistletoe. The idea came to me while I was listening to this song, goodness my brain is  crazy absurd random.

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