It's OK, I'd be grumpy too if I didn't own a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles poster.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Steampunk Legolas

Long version or the short version?

Long version:
Johanna made me read Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld (neglecting to mention that it's book 2 in a trilogy) So I read it, and it was World War I, only it was steampunk, and they were in Istanbul, and the book was illustrated by Keith Thompson and I loved it.
So then I felt like trying to draw steampunk, and instead I just sat at the computer and drooled over Mr. Thompson's art. And then Johanna said we should watch the extended Fellowship of the Ring, and I was like "no I gotta draw steampunk" so then she's suggested  that we draw LOTR characters as steampunk people. And of course I agreed, so while Merry was breaking things and Frodo was being stabbed I drew this:

Short version:
I drew steampunk Legolas:

 (Bad scan, soorrryyyy)
And I liked it, and Johanna liked it but she said I should try it again.

So then today I drew this: (it was really hard not to Google "steampunk Legolas" but I didn't because I wanted it to come out of my own head)
 Which I like.
That's it folks, the story of how I drew steampunk Legolas. Exciting no? No.

1 comment:

  1. Please draw Steampunk versions of real people or at least real people I know. Please do this tomorrow before lunch because I want you to.
