It's OK, I'd be grumpy too if I didn't own a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles poster.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Quick Review of 2013


Sam turned 11!! And I spent way too much time on the internet.


 February was dull, and I honestly don't remember much of it. Oh and I guess I did a photo a day thing.



Did anything happen in March? I can't remember...



I started to find turtles around the village.


 We went to Cappadocia, and the horse I was riding almost fell off a cliff. (So now I enjoy telling that story. Can you tell?)


We went home! And there was a graduation and we went to Stumpy!! ----> Awesome



Drama camp and parties and visiting people! Was overtired, like all the time.


Spent a week in Edmonton, and had sleep overs. Was a little less over tired


Came back to Turkey, started school. Got a rabbit, but it was killed three days after I got it by a cat. :(



I turned fifteen! And we went to Ephesus!! Also the computer crashed or something and Mom and I lost all our Ephesus pictures.



Went to see Thor the Dark World (the first movie we went to see as a family since Pooh's Heffalump Movie back in 2005)


I discovered One Republic, we spent a weekend in Bursa. We also went to see the Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug (!!!), and Dad didn't have to work on Christmas (YES), and I got sick (but I'm getting better!).

All in all it was a very interesting year, I can't wait to see that 2014 holds!

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