It's OK, I'd be grumpy too if I didn't own a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles poster.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Summer Bucket List✔✔✔

1. Make a Root beer float ✔
This was the first thing I accomplished! It was really tasty :)

2. Make a music video with my friends
Yes! I may post a link when Quinne's done editing it ;)

3. Go camping✔
Yes I'm so thankful that it worked out, we spent 10 days at Stumpy. 

4. Go to Drama Camp
It was so much fun! We did a play called Friday Knight Fever that was set in the 70s. Amazing what you can do in one week :D

5. See the movie Epic with friends
Didn't do this but we saw Despicable Me 2 (which was fun)

6. Take lots of pictures with my camera

Um, how does 1,600 sound?

7. Make brownies✔
And they were goooooood.

8. Run through the sprinkler
Yes! Fun fun fun!  

9. Stay up all night
Nope, And I'm glad I didn't!!

10. Have a bubble bath
Nope, don't think so.
11. Continue to blog✔

Yes! (Weren't you here for that?)

12. Go to the library
Yes! It was awesome, I love the library :D

13. Have a picnic
No :(

14. Have a meal where everything starts with the letter C

15. Make a vlog or two


16. Dance party!
Yeah, I think so. Maybe? I can't remember. 

17. Make a new friend✔✔✔
I made 3, Reef, Sarah, and Janelle :)

18. Talk like Yoda for 20 minuets straight
I keep on forgetting that I wanted to do this :P

19. Horseback riding✔✔
Yes! So awesome, I love riding :D

20. Sleep overs✔
Yes! They were fun :)

21. Write a song about Jello with Quinne
No, we made cupcakes, and watched High School Musical and made a music video instead.

22. Swing dance!✔✔
Yes!!!!!!!!! That was awesome, best evening :D

23. Draw with chalk

24. Make a collage
25. Sing along 'round the camp fire✔
Yes! And I started my own dance troop!

26. Herd cattle✔
Yes! One of my favourite things to do. (It's especially awesome on horseback)

27. Laugh REALLY hard✔✔✔
I did this too many times to count :P

28. Photo shoot!
Yes! After baking cupcakes with Quinne :)

29. Make a short film
I wrote a script, but we didn't get around to it. Too busy. 

30. Blow bubbles
yup yup yup!

31. Movie night!✔✔
Yes! (Complete with peanut butter cheesecake!!)

32. Get my learner's license!✔✔✔
The first week we were home, got it first try :)

33. Get fabric and a pattern for a Hobbit dress
Got a pattern, no fabric. We can get some in Turkey

34. Wake up early and watch the sunrise
No, I slept in when I could :P

35. Phone people

36. Paint a self portrait
Yes. Well, drew a self portrait. 

37. No heat curls
No, didn't have time.
48. Go to KnightHeaven
Yes pretty much every Wednesday, I fight as a Norman and they are awesome-er for it!

49. Get fabric for my KnightHeaven dress

I have no idea what's going on with the sizes in this post. I can't seem to fix it. Sorry guys : /

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your summer bucket list Nicole. I used to make one too!
